Pastor Abraham Obadare - My Notebook for the WORD

Price: $5.99

This journal is prepared with you in mind, knowing that most serious and committed Christians like you have the discipline of writing down all revelations given by God when reading the bible, listening to sermons and teachings, etc. When you take notes, you are able to save and review records for future use.



Pastor Abraham ObadareCHOSEN BUT NAUGHTY

Price: $9.99

This book reveals that chosen people sometimes become naughty in their quest for comfort, survival, fame, power, etc. Unfortunately this naughtiness brings about loss of divine guidance, which leads to generational curses and unpleasantness. As a result people nowadays all over the world wonder why things are not working out for them, searching to understand the reasons for their various problems and looking desperately for solutions. Without any doubt, a lot of problems are traceable to what the people before us have done. This book will reveal to you that yesterday’s actions affect today and today’s actions will affect tomorrow – unless there is a divine intervention through the word and the blood of Jesus.

Think about it. What are you doing today that may affect your generations tomorrow? Allow Jesus to run your blood work today. He will fix whatever is in your bloodline, which does not glorify God.



Pastor Abraham ObadareHELP!

Price: $12.99

This book offers help to all people, young and old, single and married. In the book you will discover ways of keeping out of trouble and maintaining a good relationship God’s way. The book reveals the mistakes that others have made or you may be making to bring unhappiness. Thank God there is always a solution. The authors have loaded this book with Godly solutions to whatever you may be facing as far as relationship is concerned, whether your relationship has either derailed or on the verge of collapsing. Even if you are single, you will find help in this book. Yes, we all expect the best in life; we want the best that life can offer. However, this book drops a message in your mailbox and tells you that the best is an illusion unless God is the author! There is no woman that is good enough unless she has God in her life and there is not a man that is great enough unless he knows God.

Whether you are married or single, this book will be a tremendous guide and help in your relational and spiritual life. Enjoy every bit of it.

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