(Matthew 9:35-38)
Matt. 9:36 says, “But when He saw the multitudes, He was moved with compassion for them, because they were weary and scattered, like sheep having no shepherd.”
Compassion is something we know to drive Jesus into all the activities we see in vs. 35: teaching, preaching, and healing. Since we always pray to be like Jesus, compassion for people is one drive that we too must have.
What is compassion?
The online dictionary defines compassion as “sympathetic pity and concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others.”
e.g., “the victims should be treated with compassion”
synonyms: pity, sympathy, empathy, fellow feeling, care, concern, solicitude, sensitivity, warmth, love, tenderness, mercy, leniency, tolerance, kindness, humanity, charity
“have you no compassion for a fellow human being?”
This is to say that Jesus always had fellow-feeling, sensitivity, warmth, love, tenderness, mercy, leniency, tolerance, etc. towards people, and this was the reason behind all He did.
- What drives me? Any of the above?
Truth #1:
- Jesus is someone who sees, knows or hears the condition of people without them needing to tell Him.
- Pray that God will give supernatural power /ability/sensitivity to your shepherd to be able to see beyond what naked eyes see, in order to know the needs of God’s people.
- Pray that you too will be empowered to see beyond naked eyes, in order to know the needs of God’s people.
Truth #2:
- God is not happy with any shepherd who is not compassionate (Ezek. 34:10)
- Pray for shepherds that they may truly work compassionately ( 27:16-17)
- Pray that God will empower you to truly care, in order to become like Jesus – moving with compassion.
- Jesus laments on the fact that the people were scattered as people who have no shepherd. He paints the realities of plentiful harvest but no laborers (harvesters) – 9:37
- When there is no caring/compassionate shepherd, people scatter or sit at home (1 Kg. 22:17).
Jesus calls His followers to PRAY that the Lord of harvest will send out laborers (shepherds, soul-winners, caring people, healers, etc.) who will take care of the needs of His creations (Mt. 9:38). Such needs include gospel, healing, deliverance, breakthrough, etc.
Instead of judgment and prejudice, would you humble yourself enough to begin to feel for others who desperately need a change in their lives or people who are simply not like you? This is the only way to truly be like Jesus. God can help; let’s call on Him now.
Once you are enables by the power of the Holy Spirit to move with compassion, the next step is simply to take action. You are empowered in Jesus name.