Glory be to God in the highest. I believe in my heart that this is a year in which you and I should aspire to achieve the global goal set before by the Lord.

First I think it is necessary to define the words that make up this topic:

“Achieving” means to carry out, accomplish or attain

“Our” means ownership / personalization – “I”, “Me.”  Paul took ownership of his assignment – 1 Cor. 9:1-18; Acts 4:20 (we)

“Global” means comprehensiveness; all nations (Rm. 1:14), all people from different works of life

“Aspiration” means “strong desire, longing, or aim; ambition: intellectual aspirations. A goal or objective desired:” Paul aspired to have fruits (to save souls) among the Romans, just as he did other gentiles (Rom. 1 13-15)

As Christians, our global goal / aspiration is to fulfill the command of Jesus Christ as stated in Matthew 28:19, that is to preach the gospel to the world and win the lost for Christ. With the understanding of the topic, we can now say we want to examine how to attain the goal of winning the souls of God’s people in all nations of the world.

What is soul-winning?

It is the sharing of the good news (gospel) of Jesus’ power to save (Rom. 1:16). This comes from having compassion on others. Soul winning reveals God’s righteousness (Rom. 1:17).

Why should we win souls?

  • Because we want to obey God, whether it is convenient or not – Mat. 28:7,10,19-20
  • Because it is a necessity, since we have been enlisted in God’s army to save the lost – 1 Cor. 9:16.
  • Because there is no more time (John 4:35-36)
  • Because no one will hear unless there are preachers (Rom. 10:14).

The question before us then is how to achieve this aspiration / goal. Here are some steps to take:

  1. Crave the power gift through fasting and prayer for souls; it is a necessary preparatory and empowerment tool for soul winning, in order for people to believe – Mark 16:20; Acts 1:4-8 (instruction given); Acts 1:12-14(instruction obeyed); Acts 2:14-39 (result of obedience received); Acts 3:1-9 (miracle received.
  2. Focus on consistent Evangelism Training of individuals in local churches, i.e., how to do simple one-on-one witnessing and mass evangelism.
    • Present the gospel in a simple and clear manner
    • Ask people to repent of their sins – Romans 3:23
    • Tell them that Jesus came for the remission of their sins – Acts 2:38
    • Start by using your own personal experience – 1 Timothy 1:12-15
    • Tell them that it is costly – Mat. 19:21 (forsake all else and follow Jesus)
    • Tell them that it is urgent – Heb. 4:7; 2 Cor. 6:2
  3. Teach how to work in confidence – overcoming fear, shame, low self-esteem and complacency (Joshua 1:5; Acts 4:13-22)..
  4. Encourage reading of God’s words (the Bible) in order to help prepare one for witnessing – 2 Timothy 2:15. Reading informs us and gives us confidence.
  5. Maintain Special Missions Funds to help the less privileged, in so doing the love of Christ is made known in the gospel we preach.
  6. Use Social & Electronic Media (TV, Radio, Email, Facebook, Twitter, Websites, Newspapers, Bill boards, etc.) to full advantage, to announce the love of Christ to reach beyond when we can physically be.
  7. Return to higher institutions with the gospel, as it was in the days of our father, in order to reach the hearts of the young ones.
  8. Start numerous cell groups in homes, schools, working places, hospitals, prison, village / rural places. (Matt. 25:36-0).
  9. Show potential soul-winners that it is a wise and rewarding task – 2 Kgs. 7

May we achieve this aspiration in Jesus name.